Join The Monster Canvass!

With under 2 weeks to go, Save the 8th canvassers have seen its canvass teams double both in size and in number.

Today, we're asking you to join us in a massive Life Canvass right across Dublin ahead of the Rally at 2pm in Merrion Square.

Join teams across Dublin at 11am for a two-hour Monster Canvassahead of going to Merrion Square.

After the Rally we'll also move across Dublin city with Vote NO street outreaches to wrap up a day where the Vote NO message is front and centre to Save the 8th.

The Life Canvass is now the biggest grass roots movement in living memory in Ireland.

- Almost 3,000 canvassers are now involved in the Life Canvass.

- A total of 146 teams now across the country with numbers on each team growing every day.There are almost 22 teams now out across the Cork constituencies for example and a whopping 24 out across Galway and Roscommon.

- 95% of Limerick is canvassed and Mullingar teams are canvassing at doors or on at street 7 days a week, with Mayo doing the same.

The target of reaching 700,000 homes will be exceeded and every one of those powerful personal conversations is shifting more and more people to a No vote.

The Life Canvass, underway for more than 2 years, has produced tremendous results to Save the 8th.

Join The Monster Canvass!

Sign up to the biggest canvassing event that Dublin has ever seen!

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