Poster 1: 1 in 5 babies are aborted in Britain

More than 200,000 babies are aborted in Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) each year. According to official statistics 1 in every 5 babies are aborted.[1]

In 2016, there were 750,759 births in Britain, and 202,469 abortions, with one in 5 babies having their lives deliberately ended. (see table 2,3

Almost 97% of abortions that took place in 2016 were for social reasons – carried out on ‘mental health grounds’ – with only a tiny percentage carried out for any other reason.[2][3]

After ‘restrictive’ abortion was legalised in 1967, the number of abortions climbed very rapidly from 14,000 to more than 190,000 in England and Wales. This is the horrifying reality of abortion on demand. [4][5]
These days, an abortion takes place in Britain every 3 minutes. David Steel, the man who introduced the British Abortion Act of 1967, has gone on record as saying “I never envisaged there would be so many abortions”.

Simon Harris wants to legalise an even more liberal model of abortion in Ireland – abortion on demand for the first three months of the baby’s life, and then until at least 6 months on the same vague ‘health grounds’ as Britain.

If you don’t want to see the same horrifying statistics for Ireland, VOTE NO

Table 1:

  • 38% of abortions were carried out on women who had at least one previous abortion [6]
  • 90% of babies diagnosed with Down Syndrome are aborted in England and Wales [7].
  • 98% of all abortions were paid for by the taxpayer
  • A 2007 report found that 66 babies survived abortion in one year alone – with no record of any medical help being offered to these babies.[8]

Table 2:

Table 3:

The Abortion Industry In Britain

Pre-signed abortion forms
The Care Quality Commission, the health services watchdog, has found that British doctors have been pre-signing forms authorising abortions, on mental health grounds, for women they had never met. In 2012 alone 67 doctors, at 14 locations, were found to done so[9]. Not a single one of these doctors were ever punished by the Medical Council. Not surprising when we consider that, in January 2014, that the majority of abortions are approved by doctors who have never met the women they’ve decided requires an abortion. [10]


Abortion for Profit? Choice or Coercion?
The British health service watchdog, the CQC, found that staff at Marie Stopes’s clinics were being paid bonuses if they had as few as possible women change their mind about having an abortion after visiting Marie Stopes.[11] This means that Marie Stopes’s staff made extra money for every woman they could convince that abortion was the only option available to them. The report also says that staff would contact women who had decided not to have an abortion and offer them another appointment in an attempt to convince them to proceed.

Staff also talked about how partners, parents, and other supportive people were seen as inconveniences and discouraged from attending any pre-abortion meetings.

The CQC report found that even Marie Stopes’ own staff thought the culture of Marie Stopes undermined the concept of patient choice, with little time given to discussing other options for the pregnancy. One staff member describing how Marie Stopes treated pregnant women as akin to a ‘cattle market’.

Marie Stopes are built to encourage abortion, not offer healthcare to women, and the report clearly shows that Marie Stopes wants women alone, under pressure, surrounded by people who make money only if you get an abortion, and feeling that there is no option other than to go ahead with an abortion. Is a women who deals with Marie Stopes really making an informed, reasonable choice? 

Poster 2: A Licence To Kill?

The Irish Government has been kind enough to tell us what sort of system they will put in place if the 8th is repealed. Repealing the 8th will give the Irish government a licence to kill.

  • The Government has said that, if the 8th amendment is repealed, they will bring in abortion, for any reason, up to 12 weeks, and abortion, due to a risk to the health of the mother, up to 24 weeks.

  • Abortion is legal on the same vague ‘health grounds’ in Britain. There are 200,000 abortions carried out there every year – and 97% are on health grounds. It is abortion on demand.

  • Even the British Pregnancy Advisory Service [BPAS] has said, in relation to mental health, ‘It is certainly the case that, despite the lack of a formal right to abortion in England and Wales, the abortion law is interpreted liberally to enable women to access abortion when they need it.’[12]
  • The law proposed by Simon Harris is like the British abortion model. When the law changed there in 1968, within five years abortions had gone from 14,000 a year to roughly 160,000. In 2016 there were 190,000 abortions. Liberalising abortion caused, within 5 years, the number of abortion to increase by over 1000%.
  • Abortion on demand, leads to a demand for abortion. That is a fact.

  • The proposed law will require doctors to sign off on abortions over 12 weeks, just like the British law does, but British doctors have been found to have signed approval forms for women they haven’t even met. In fact, the majority of women seeking an abortion never even meet with the doctor who will sign off on their abortion.[13]
  • In 2012, 67 doctors, over 14 locations, were found to have pre-signed forms by the British Health Service Watchdog, the CQC.[14] None were punished by the Medical Council.

Poster 2: “If Killing An Unborn Baby at 6 Months Bothers You, Then Vote No”

  • The Government have said exactly what laws they will bring in if the 8th is repealed, and they plan to legalise abortion until ‘viability’ on vague health grounds. That’s abortion to 6 months. This is horrific. You can read the policy paper here:

  • So , if the 8th is repealed, abortion on mental and physical health grounds up to 6 months will be legal. Mental Health is the reason for 180,000 of the 190,000 abortions in England and Wales every year. [15]

  • So 97% of the abortions in Britain are on ‘health’ grounds.[16] Everyone knows it’s a fraud, and that ‘health grounds’ are abortion on demand. And if this abortion proposal passes, It we will legalise that up to 6 months. This goes too far for most Irish people.

  • Even British abortion clinics admit that the mental health ground is widely seen as being used to allow ‘on-demand’ abortion’s after 12 weeks. [17][18]
  • Simon Coveney is saying this is ‘restrictive’. How can aborting a baby at 6 months possibly be restrictive?
  • If repeal passes this will be the only time you will ever get to vote directly on abortion and what regulation of abortion should look like.

  • The Government says the repeal of the 8th is necessary to allow for abortion in hard cases, but this is not just abortion in the hard cases – it’s abortion on demand, up to 6 months.

  • Of the 190,000 abortions in England in 2016, only 262 abortions were performed to either save a woman’s life or to prevent permanent damage to her health – there were 3,208 abortions due to ‘a substantial risk that…it would suffer from such physical or mental abnormalities as to be seriously handicapped’, which is to say there were 3,208 in 2016 abortions due to disability.[19]


[1] Abortion Statistics, England and Wales: 2016 –

[2] The National Down Syndrome Cytogenetic Register for England and Wales – 2013 Annual Report –


[4] Department of Health: Abortion Statistics: England and Wales –



[7] Department of Health: Abortion Statistics: England and Wales –

[8] RCOG Opinion – The Abortion Act, 40 years on –

[9] MPs demand police inquiry over pre-signed abortion forms –






[14] MPs demand police inquiry over pre-signed abortion forms –





