Dear Supporter,
No doubt you have seen the terrible, awful, no-good news in this morning’s newspapers: According to polls in two Sunday Papers, support for repeal has actually GONE UP this week, and support for the NO side has fallen.
Are you depressed? That’s exactly how the YES campaign want you to feel. So buck up, and read on:
With the Irish media, it is so important, always, to check the small print.
These polls were actually taken, mainly, BEFORE last Monday Night’s debate, and BEFORE the Irish Times poll on Thursday that showed repeal falling to 44%.
So what you are reading this morning is not the latest information. The most recent poll has repeal at 44% – and no referendum has ever been won with that level of support.
All the evidence that we have here in headquarters is that support for repeal is falling, and that the NO vote is rising.
Also, we are sure of one thing:
If every NO voter gets out and votes, we will Save the 8th.
It’s that simple.
We have 4 days left. In that time, we need to focus on getting out the vote.
Have you an elderly neighbour, family member or friend who needs a lift to the polls on Friday? Contact us and let us know.
Are you available to drive voters to the polls on Friday? Can you give even one person a lift? Have you a few hours to spare, and a car? Contact us and let us know.
Have you made your plan to vote yet? Make sure it’s a time that suits your whole family, and get them out to vote. Have you a NO-voting colleague in your workplace? Make sure to remind them to go and vote also, and offer to take them with you.
Friends, the last strategy repeal has left is to depress you and keep you at home. Let’s make sure it doesn’t work.
Let’s go win this referendum, and look forward together to the looks on the faces of the media when it is a NO vote when the boxes are open on Saturday.
My very best,
About The Author: Save The 8th
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