Dr Judy Ceannt, a relative of 1916 leader Eamonn Ceannt, will be amongst a host of speakers will address huge crowds expected at the Save the 8th Rally tomorrow March 10th, in Dublin.
Tens of thousands are expected to march in support of retaining the 8th Amendment and protecting the lives of both mothers and unborn children in Ireland.
Dr Ceannt, a GP, will tell the Rally that the government wants to repeal the 8th so that they can request that GPs provide abortion on demand for the first three months of an unborn baby’s life.
“They have not even consulted us doctors. The basic law that governs our actions as doctors is first do no harm. We are not meant to intentionally kill or harm any patient, least of all the most helpless, the unborn baby. The government has no right to impose this on us,” Dr Ceannt will say.
“The 1916 Proclamation promises to ‘cherish all the children of the nation equally’, surely that includes our youngest and most vulnerable citizens, the helpless baby in the womb.”
Also speaking at the Rally is Charlie Fien, a Down syndrome activist who recently gave an impassioned plea to the United Nations in March 2017 where she spoke out against the targeted killing of children diagnosed with Down syndrome before birth.
“I am not suffering,” Ms. Fien told the UN body in Geneva. “I am not ill. None of my friends who have Down’s syndrome are suffering either. We live happy lives.”
”Saving the 8th will save the lives of babies with Down’s syndrome. Ireland, is one of the only countries in the world where babies with Down’s syndrome are safe inside their mother’s wombs” Ms. Fien said,
Speaking on behalf of Save the 8th Niamh Uí Bhriain said ”For the next 11 weeks our message will be focused on ensuring that the Irish people vote no to abortion. One of the heartbreaking facts we seen emerging from Britain is that 90% of babies with Down syndrome are aborted before birth and Charlie Fien’s call to protect babies with a disability is hugely important at this time.”
The Rally will also send a strong pro-life feminist message, with speaker Destiny Herndon-De La Rosa urging marchers to demand a better answer than abortion for women. “Abortion is the ultimate exploitation of women, and is a symptom of women’s oppression. Ireland should lead the way by saving the 8th,” she will say. The Rally will also hear from women who have had medical emergencies in pregnancy, and who raised their babies in difficult circumstances. They will argue that women need hope, support, compassion and opportunities, not abortion.
Other speakers include Mattie McGrath TD, Declan Ganley, Bernadette Smyth of Precious Life Northern Ireland, and Micheal O’Dowd of Disability Voices for Life.
The Save the 8th Rally is taking place this Saturday 10th March at 2pm at Parnell Square Dublin, and will march through Dublin city centre to Merrion Square.
About The Author: Save The 8th
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